The care and maintenance required following installation

Care and maintenance following an install​​

Paint protection film (PPF) serves as a valuable safeguard for your vehicle's exterior, offering protection against the elements, minor abrasions, and the daily wear and tear it encounters. However, the installation of PPF marks just the initial step in preserving your car's appearance. To make the most of its benefits, it's vital to understand how to care for and maintain your PPF after it's installed. In this article, we'll explore the essential steps and best practices for post-installation PPF care.

1. Initial post-installation care

Right after PPF installation, it's crucial to allow it ample time to cure properly. Generally, PPF requires a few days to fully set, so it's important to refrain from washing your vehicle or exposing it to harsh conditions during this period. This waiting period ensures a strong bond between the adhesive and your vehicle's paint.

2. Gentle cleaning

Regularly cleaning your vehicle is essential to preserve the appearance of both the PPF and your car's paint. When cleaning PPF, opt for a mild, pH-balanced automotive soap and use a soft microfibre wash mitt. Avoid aggressive scrubbing or using abrasive materials that could potentially harm the film's surface.

3. Thorough Rinsing

Before you start washing your vehicle, ensure you thoroughly rinse it with a hose. This step helps remove loose dirt and debris that might cause scratches on the PPF during the washing process.

4. Hand washing

Although automated car washes are convenient, they often employ brushes and chemicals that can be harsh on PPF. It's best to hand wash your car using the two-bucket method. Fill one bucket with soapy water and the other with clean water. After washing a section of the vehicle with soapy water, rinse your wash mitt in the clean water bucket to prevent contaminants from getting back onto the PPF.

5. Drying

After washing your car, gently pat the surface dry with a clean microfibre drying towel. Avoid using traditional chamois or rough towels, as they have the potential to scratch the PPF.

6. Regular inspection

Frequently inspect your PPF for any signs of damage or imperfections. If you notice any issues, such as bubbling, lifting, or discolouration, it's essential to address them promptly to prevent further damage.

7. Bug and tar removal

Insect residue and road tar can be particularly stubborn and may require special attention. Use a bug and tar remover that's safe for PPF and follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully. Avoid using abrasive tools or applying excessive pressure when removing these substances.

8. Avoiding harsh chemicals

Stay clear of harsh chemicals, solvents, or abrasive compounds when cleaning your PPF. These substances can weaken the film's adhesive and potentially lead to peeling or discolouration. Stick to products explicitly designed for PPF maintenance.

9. Waxing and sealants

While PPF offers excellent protection, it can benefit from additional layers of safeguarding. Applying a high-quality wax or paint sealant on top of the PPF can extend its lifespan and enhance its shine. Make sure to use products that are compatible with PPF.

10. Professional maintenance

If you're uncertain about maintaining your PPF or encounter issues that you can't handle on your own, consider consulting a professional PPF installer or detailing expert. They possess the expertise to provide specialised care and maintenance services to ensure your PPF remains in optimal condition.

Our dedicated RMA Car Care team are on-hand to help so contact us for more details at RMA CAR CARE - 04 597 3077

Care and maintenance following an install
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